Leg's Like Luffy - Anime Workout Routines

When it comes to getting healthy, anime fitness is starting to become a lot more popular. Characters inspire people to achieve more than they thought possible and even end up giving physique goals.

Sometimes workout schedules can drag and create a mental barrier to success
Not every training session has to be legendary like a Super Saiyan or go beyond like All Might, but they should be something that keeps you entertained and enjoying life.

In this upcoming series of weekly articles we will be doing our best to provide you with some absolutely killer workout sessions for anyone and everyone to enjoy.

From quick 30 minute workouts to some longer sessions, you are sure to find something that tickles your fancy.

Today, we wanted to start out with the KING of all routines with leg workouts!

With this quick blaster with a timer to keep you moving and grooving

The workout routine can be done from the comfort of your own home, in almost any sized room (provided you can lay down) with your 

Inspired by Luffy getting ready to do battle at Enis Lobby this session is a GUARANTEED burner.

Gear 2nd Legs

The Breakdown:

The goal is to get in and out of this session in under 30 minutes!

Each of these exercises was specifically picked to kick your rear into gear (not 3rd yet) and can be modified to either increase difficulty or provide someone who is newer to training a better way to succeed.

The exercises:

  • Squats - 12 Reps
    • Beginner Mode: Squat to a chair
    • Seasoned Vet: Jump at the top!
  • Lunges - 6 Reps each leg
    • Beginner Mode: Instead of moving your feet into position every time, you can leave them in place
    • Seasoned Vet:.... Add... Jump
  • Cossack Squats - 6 reps each leg
    • Beginner Mode: Don't go as far down
    • Seasoned Vet: Keep your hands straight up
  • Single Leg RDLs - 8 reps each leg
    • Beginner Mode: Let the tip of your back foot rest on the ground
    • Seasoned Vet: leave your foot JUST off the ground. No counter balance, no touching ground.
  • Glute Bridge - 15 reps
    • Beginner Mode: Put your shoulders on a couch to reduce the angle
    • Seasoned Vet: Single Leg at a time, rotate each set.
  • Rest 1 Minute

Rinse and repeat until until the 30 minute timer is up.

This is a simple, effective way to get your session in when you are crunched for time. It’s no wonder that Luffy was able to put an end to CP-9 with endurance and power like this.

How many rounds can you get down in this fast workout? Let us know in the comments down below, we would love to hear from you!

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